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About Orivet ADN test and OFA test

Orivet ADN Test


Orivet Genetic Pet Care is a leading genetic testing organization providing a wide range of genetic services to breeders, veterinarians and pet owners worldwide. Orivet has developed internationally recognized protocols and programs for Member Bodies, Breed Clubs and Associations.


Our mission is to safeguard the health and well-being of your pet with fully personalized, breed-specific care. Orivet was founded on the premise that every pet is unique, with its own set of specific traits, behaviors, genetic health needs and inherent risks. We work with pet owners, breeders and veterinarians to provide fully personalized products and services that treat and care for animals as the unique individuals they are, taking into account genetic makeup, age , sex and lifestyle of each animal.


Through this, we aim to encourage the development of a deep, authentic and lasting bond between pets and their owners.


At Orivet, we believe that every pet is a truly unique individual.




OFA Test (Orthopedic Foundation For Animals)


Our mission is to promote the health and welfare of companion animals by reducing the incidence of genetic diseases.




Collect and disseminate information regarding orthopedic and genetic diseases of animals.

Advise, encourage and establish control programs to reduce the incidence of orthopedic and genetic diseases.


Encourage and fund research on orthopedic and genetic diseases in animals.

Receive funds and award grants to achieve these goals.




The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) was founded in 1966 as a private, nonprofit foundation by John M. Olin, a well-known inventor, industrialist, philanthropist, environmentalist, and sportsman.


Olin was an avid sportsman, hunter, and field trial participant. When hip dysplasia began to impact the performance of Olin's dogs, he arranged an initial meeting with representatives from the veterinary community, the Golden Retriever Club of America and the German Shepherd Dog Club of America to discuss ways to limit the disease. This eventually led to the formation and incorporation of the OFA. Its initial mission: To provide radiographic evaluation, data management and genetic counseling for canine hip dysplasia.


As OFA continues to focus on hip dysplasia, today's mission, "To improve the health and welfare of companion animals through a reduction in the incidence of genetic diseases", reflects the organization's expansion into other inherited diseases and other companion animals such as cats.


Financial research


OFA has funded nearly $3 million in research aimed at reducing the incidence and prevalence of inherited diseases in companion animals. Projects are funded by the AKC Canine Health Foundation (AKC CHF), the Morris Animal Foundation (MAF), and occasionally direct grants.


OFA-funded research is not limited to orthopedic diseases and includes, among others, cancers, heart disease and thyroid disease. Research projects vary with respect to breeds and diseases, and all are carried out at many of our major universities and research institutes.


With the recent completion of canine genome mapping, OFA is focusing its research dollars more on research at the molecular level.


Database of OFA


OFA's databases are central to the organization's goal of establishing control programs to reduce the incidence of inherited diseases. They serve all breeds of dogs and cats and offer breeders a way to meet the challenge of improving their breed's genetic health through better breeding practices. OFA databases are expanded as new tests become available.


The CHIC (Canine Health Information Center) database is a tool that collects information about the health of each animal from several sources. This centralized data stream is maintained to help breeders make more informed breeding choices and for scientists to conduct research. The CHIC program is breed specific. To be included in this database, a dog must be certified CHIC.


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